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White Tailwing

Empowering SMEs with mobile payments

FinTech Merchant Portal
Web App

Mobile payments in a snap

SnapScan is one of South Africa’s leading mobile payment solutions. Started in 2013, SnapScan was one of the first to simplify transacting without needing physical cash or a card to pay. Today, SnapScan has over 1 million app downloads with 60,000+ merchants using their software to receive payments and build their businesses.

The Challenge

Get merchants onboard seamlessly

Although SnapScan was growing fast, the merchant acquisition journey was rather disjointed. They challenged us to design a seamless new marketing, sign-up, onboarding and dashboard flow to reduce drop-off and improve conversions. And of course, create an awesome SnapScan experience at every touchpoint to build brand love.

UX Design
UI Design
Brand Design
Interaction Design
The Solution

Streamlined user journeys

Different merchant types required different decision paths and various levels of compliance. From signup to onboarding to the transaction dashboard, we considered how to simplify their journeys, reduce friction points and make them feel supported.

Quick and easy signup

The onboarding requirements were quite overwhelming, so we restructured the journey to feel simple and less intimidating. By grouping the steps into natural stages, we gave them the ability to complete the process at their own pace, track their progress and come back to upload documents or complete missing information later.

Powerful management 

Once fully onboarded, merchants need a comprehensive dashboard to manage and monitor their business. We re-imagined some existing functionality and gave them the tools to add multiple stores, easily add and manage their SnapCodes, access insights, view transactions, and even make online purchases.

The Results

Before & After


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Their attention to detail and general care for our needs and the product was something we appreciated and valued so much.”
Jaime Carolisson
Head of Growth
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